View of Mt Baker from the Lopez Island ferry dock: photo by Holly O’Brian
This week is the first week back to school for my daughter and for so many kids in the DC area. It’s got me thinking of what a great summer we have had, and how important it is to get away and fully disconnect.
For me, there are two distinct kinds of vacation, both of which I thoroughly enjoy for completely different reasons. One involves exploring unknown destinations and opening yourself up to new experiences and adventures. The other is more about going back to places that are filled with good memories that help you to feel grounded and filled up. These places bring happiness and comfort and remind you of what you value most.
When I am helping clients to determine their unique design style, knowing where they like to repeatedly vacation tells me a lot about their style and values.
Just like a home can and should feel like a place of refuge, a place can also feel like home. One such place that will always feel like home for me is Lopez Island in the San Juan Islands in Washington State.
When I was 2 years old (a few years ago:), my family built a cabin on Lopez Island. We have been going back on a regular basis ever since. Growing up, my family would spend large chunks of our summers on the island. Our cabin was rustic, to say the least. It was equipped with an outhouse, a wood-burning stove and had no running water or electricity, all on a beautiful piece of land. We would go into town to get water and to go to the island swimming pool for showers. In the evenings we would play cards (“Nertz” was our favorite game) to the light of a gas lantern. Every day involved simple pleasures like exploring tidepools, picking blackberries and building forts from driftwood on the beach. Many of my best childhood memories happened on Lopez Island.
There is no other place for me that feels more like home.
Plan Your Next Vacation To Lopez Island In The San Juan Islands (
Hiking on the island: photo by Holly O’Brian
What I love most about Lopez Island getaways:
Shark Reef: photo by Luca Trolese
The Chance to Fully Disconnect and Recharge:
On Lopez, there is no need to really do anything. The whole island is beautiful so you can basically plop down anywhere and just enjoy the scenery. Being in nature and soaking up all of that natural beauty feels amazing. And Pacific Northwest weather makes me feel more awake and aware. There is a freshness to the air there, often accompanied by a soft rain or a cool breeze, that wakes up the senses and feels like a huge relief.
I also love the way a vacation where you truly relax gets you thinking about possibilities. My daughter and I have a dream of building a tiny house on the island. We enjoy going to the town real estate agency to check out properties, poring through books about tiny houses and imagining ideal layouts. My husband and I always, at some point during one of these trips, look at each other and ask, “so do you think we could live here?” I love letting myself imagine what it would be like to live on Lopez for long periods of months or more.
A Healthy Sense of Detachment:
Being on vacation gives me the chance to think about different things that are outside of my everyday routine. I give myself complete permission to disconnect. Lopez is great in this way, because it doesn’t have the best cell reception, so it is easy to disconnect from technology. Being surrounded by so much natural beauty and the comfort of a more simple and slow-paced life is instantly calming.
Appreciating the Good Things:
And there are so many good things! The temperature on Lopez rarely gets above the 70s in summer, but it also hardly ever rains in July or August. (Contrary to popular belief, this is true of Seattle as well!) Lopez is nicknamed “the Friendly Isle” as locals make it a point to wave at everyone they pass on the road. An ideal day consists of starting off at Holly B’s Bakery ( for a cinnamon roll and a cup of coffee and sitting out on the sun-filled deck to enjoy it. There is a fantastic bookstore which can’t be missed located right next to Holly B’s ( with a refreshingly fabulous selection. And the lovely Lopez Island Library ( just up the road is another can’t miss plan. This quaint and cozy library epitomizes the community feel of the island. Shark Reef Road, Spencer Spit and Watmough Bay are beautiful destinations for a hike with gorgeous views of the water followed by more lounging and exploring. Other favorite activities include going for a bike ride before taking a dip in the pool and a soak in the hot tub or wading on the beach while watching the sunset. Just thinking about it is relaxing.
Sunset at the Islander: photo by Luca Trolese
In today’s world, it is easy to get caught up in all of the daily stressors that go along with life in 2022 and constantly being “connected” through phones and computers. As soon as you get on the ferry, you can start to feel any stress melt away. Over the last few years, I have come to realize that I am my most creative and inspired when I am able to fully disconnect from my routine and enjoy extended periods of time doing all the things I love most.
Shark Reef: photo by Luca Trolese
How did you spend your summer vacation? What place do you go back to again and again that never fail to make you feel refreshed and happy?
Enjoy every minute of these last weeks of summer!
- Holly